What has WACEP done for you lately?

  • WACEP continues to lobby and advocate on a compromise for the "APRN Bill" 
  • WACEP is continually advocating to improve Medicaid reimbursement rates and because of WACEP's grassroots efforts there has been significate increased included in the Governor's budget the past two budgets. 
  • WACEP took a lead role in civil liability reform during COVID-19;
  • WACEP developed a Public Service Announcement that EDs are safe and open during the pandemic;
  • WACEP initiated a Rural Outreach Program to engage members outside of the Milwaukee/Madison corridor;
  • WACEP has further developed opportunities for further member engagement through WACEP's Legislative Committee, Membership Committee, Finance Committee and more;
  • WACEP continues its collaboration with the Wisconsin Psychiatric Association on the Emergency Psych Task Force; this group developed a white paper on medical clearance that was published in WMJ and is being used as a basis for an ACEP national webinar series;

Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
920-750-7725 | WACEP@badgerbay.co

© Wisconsin Chapter, ACEP. All rights reserved.