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  • February 23, 2021 2:58 PM | Deleted user

    WACEP Members,

    We have great news to report! Governor Evers included a proposed budget increase of over $5.2 million annually in his executive budget to improve Medicaid emergency services reimbursement rates in Wisconsin. WACEP has been advocating for this increase for over 20 years since our last consideration of an increase.

    As you probably know, the Wisconsin Medicaid program reimburses the worst in the country for our most commonly used E/M codes, and we have a lot of work to do to make this increase a reality. The budget proposal must go through the Joint Finance Committee and be approved by the full legislature over the next four months. 

    At this point, the budget provides an increase, however exactly how that increase would be operationalized (should it make it through the Legislature) would be determined by the Department of Health Services (DHS). We continue to work with the Administration to understand exactly what $5.2 million might look like to specific reimbursement coding. Obviously WACEP will continue to work with the state should this budget item make it through the earmark.  

    It’s important to know that while the Governor included this funding in his budget, it has a long way to go before it becomes reality. With certainty, we will need YOUR help over the coming months to contact your legislators to help ensure that this item remains in the budget. 

    As we learn more and work out details of the specific ask to your individual legislators, there are two things you can consider doing now. First would be to send a “thank you” to the Governor: 

    Phone: 608-266-1212
    Mail:  The Honorable Tony Evers, Governor of Wisconsin
    115 East, State Capitol
    Madison WI 53702

    Second, please consider attending Doctor Day on May 5th, which will be virtual. While Doctor Day addresses issues pertinent to all physicians, this could be a great opportunity for you to meet with your legislators during what is anticipated to be a key time in the budget process. Notably, attending Doctor Day should not supplant other grassroot efforts (calls, meetings, letter writing) during the budget process, but the additional exposure and participation could be very helpful.

    Finally, thank you for your membership in Wisconsin ACEP. You give a voice to Emergency Medicine in Wisconsin. Should you find yourself interested in helping our organization continue to build relationships please consider giving to our PAC or recruiting a colleague to ACEP/WACEP membership.

    Please know that our physician legislative committee members and advocacy team are monitoring developments daily. Stay tuned for additional updates. 


    Brad Burmeister, MD, FACEP, WACEP President
    Lisa Maurer, MD, FACEP, WACEP Legislative Committee Chair

  • February 10, 2021 1:34 PM | Deleted user

    This morning, Governor Evers announced important proposals he will include in his Executive Budget, scheduled to be introduced next week. Included are several proposals specifically aimed at reforming crisis intervention and emergency detention—all of which are a direct result of ongoing work of the WPA/WACEP Emergency Psych Task Force as part of a collaborative workgroup with the Badger State Sheriffs, Wisconsin Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs Association, and the Wisconsin Counties Association.   

    While these proposals are only the first steps in the biennial budget process and must go through both the Joint Finance Committee and the full Legislature, WACEP is thankful both for the Governor’s leadership and recognition of these shared challenges, and the work of the Emergency Psych Task Force for bringing these proposals and important issues to the forefront.  

    Read Gov. Evers' Budget Proposal Press Release

  • February 09, 2021 2:31 PM | Deleted user

    Bradley Burmeister, MD FACEP
    WACEP President

    February is always my favorite month. This February seems extra special: we have vaccines for COVID, COVID numbers are down, and the days are getting longer and longer.

    I think, though, we have another glimmer of hope in our ongoing push for fair reimbursement from the Medicaid program. The state is projected to have a more than $600 million Medicaid surplus (partly due to increased federal funding related to COVID). WACEP has been making the case to the Governor and Legislature for increased Medicaid reimbursement rates. Having essentially the lowest reimbursement rates in the country for Emergency services and having not seen an increase in decades, WACEP continues to advocate for fair increase. This is hopefully the prime opportunity for us to move forward. We may need your help, so stay tuned—we’ll let you know if there becomes a time where we need your grassroots help!

    In the meantime, save the date for these two important advocacy opportunities:

    May 5: Wisconsin Doctor Day (virtual)  Visit to sign up. Meet with your state legislator and/or their staff at the state level. Building relationship is incredibly important. Although the exact legislative priorities we will advocate are still to be determined it would be nice to have a good representation of Emergency physicians. 

    July 25-27: ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Conference (LAC) Visit to learn more. Meet with your federal legislators and/or their staff. This might be virtual, it might be in person, it might be a hybrid! For now, save the date!

    Also, don’t forget about our own WACEP 2021 Spring Symposium on April 8. It’ll be virtual this year and is always a great opportunity to learn and network with your peers. Register today!

    And finally, how can Wisconsin ACEP help you? If you have any questions, concerns or needs, please do not hesitate to reach out! My email is

  • February 09, 2021 1:05 PM | Deleted user

    The Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA) sponsors an annual educational conference on leadership.  Because of the pandemic, this year's conference will be split into a half-day of online talks on March 12, and then two half-days of in-person talks and discussion on September 14 and 15, 2021.  

    WHA welcomes physicians in leadership positions, and especially those physicians with a developing interest in leadership, to participate in the conference. 

    Learn more and register. Be sure to click on the featured presenter tab near the top pf the web page to see the outstanding group of speakers for this conference.

  • February 09, 2021 12:02 PM | Deleted user

    Businesses, frontline workers, and communities from across the state have come together this past year to help slow the spread of COVID-19. As many await vaccines, and our health care providers battle new strains, we can’t let our guard down now.

    The most recent public education message from the Stop the COVID Spread! coalition urges Wisconsinites to remain vigilant in the continuing fight against COVID-19, stressing the importance of continuing to practice key, simple measures like wearing face masks, social distancing, and washing hands regularly. 

    WACEP is proud to be part of the “Stop the Covid Spread!” coalition, a group of Wisconsin’s leading health care, business, education, and advocacy organizations who have all joined together in the effort to urge the public to step up and take preventative measures seriously. The coalition has grown dramatically since its launch and now includes over 135 Wisconsin organizations. 

    We’ve come a long way together but the fight’s not over yet! You can learn more about the coalition and how we all need to stay vigilant to help stop the spread:  Please join us in sharing this crucial message with your friends and family!

  • February 03, 2021 8:20 AM | Deleted user

    While Doctor Day 2021 has shifted to a virtual format, the May 5th event promises to offer equally important hot topics and content.

    This year’s policy and politics panel will include members of the powerful budget-writing Joint Committee on Finance.  Committee co-chairs Representative Mark Born (R-Beaver Dam) and Senator Howard Marklein (R-Spring Green) will be joined by their Democrat colleagues Representative Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee) and Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-West Point).  

    You will hear a first-hand account of important budget topics, and during the middle of budget negotiations. This includes policy related to the Department of Health Services and funding for the Medicaid Program. This is a great opportunity to hear differing views on policy and spending priorities for the 2021-23 Biennial Budget and current legislative session.

    Other components of the day will again include policy breakouts, priority issue briefings, a keynote presentation and of course, legislative visits.

    Whether you’ve attended many advocacy days in prior years or none at all, be sure to sign up for Doctor Day 2021 and make your voices heard! The unique multi-specialty nature of Wisconsin's Doctor Day offers all physicians across the state from all specialties to come together and advocate for issues affecting their patients, their practices and their specialty.  Learn more and sign up at

  • January 28, 2021 1:36 PM | Deleted user

    EMRA is looking for faculty for its Virtual Medical Student Forum taking place on Saturday, March 27, 2021 from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm CDT. Interested faculty should apply by February 1.

    The EMRA Medical Student Forum is free to all EMRA medical student members. It brings together program directors and faculty to answer questions specific to your phase in training. General sessions answer big-picture topics, and breakout sessions per year to target exactly where you are in your training.

  • January 26, 2021 11:39 AM | Deleted user

    The annual Midwest Medical Student Forum, hosted by the Michigan College of Emergency Physicians, is taking place virtually on Thursday and Friday, January 28-29.  Register today by calling 517-327-5700. This year's Forum will include:

    • Small-group advising
    • Residency panel
    • Residency fair
    • Virtual SIMS course (space is limited)
  • January 18, 2021 10:37 AM | Deleted user

    Brad Burmeister, MD, FACEP
    WACEP President

    Welcome to 2021!

    We are off to a great start! This is my first message as the new President, so "hello" to those of you I do not know. Just a bit about me... I work for an independent group in Green Bay which staffs Bellin Hospital.

    Before we get to some updates, I want to thank our now Immediate Past President Ryan Thompson, MD, FACEP for all the important work he has done. I’m particularly thankful for his leadership along with our legislative committee and the lobbying team (HWZ) for their hard work on the WI CARES act, efforts on Surprise/Balance Billing at the state level, and ongoing work on Medicaid Reimbursement. I think we are in a great spot moving forward and have some excellent ground work accomplished.

    On that note, the legislative team at ACEP has been very busy ensuring the voice of the Emergency Physicians are heard across the country. As a result, we have many favorable outcomes with the “2020 Year End Package” which Congress passed. In particular we have reasonable legislation on Surprise/Balanced Billing as well as better outcomes with Medicare cuts that what had been pending.

    WACEP has been working on our own Surprise/Balanced Billing battles at the state level, ongoing efforts for Medicaid reimbursement increases, extending liability protections due to COVID-19, among many other things!

    If you haven’t already checked out our virtual Spring Symposium please do so. It will be held Thursday, April 8th, so coming up quickly! We have some great speakers including Dr. David Talan with some insights into infectious disease and Emergency medicine, education on Buprenorphine (Suboxone) and Dexmedetomidine (Precedex), an ATLS update, and an update from Dr. Ryan Westergaard (“The Dr. Fauci of Wisconsin”).  Learn more and register!

    If you have any questions or issues you want us to look at, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Please follow us on Facebook! @WiACEP

    Stay safe!
    Brad Burmeister, MD, FACEP

  • January 12, 2021 9:49 AM | Deleted user

    The DC-ACEP Chapter is hosting an EM MAT Waiver Training Course on Monday, February 1, 2021 and has extended an invitation to all ACEP members to participate for free. Anyone looking to get their waiver early this year is encouraged to register. 

    The course is hosted by the DC ACEP Chapter and provided by national ACEP, in partnership with Providers Clinical Support System and the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. The 8-hour training is open to Physicians (MD/DO), Residents, Medical Students, NPs (including those in training) and PAs (including those in training). Medical Students and those currently in training can apply for the waiver once they complete their training.

    • No expiration for Waiver Training Completion Certificate.
    • No pre-work/course requirements.
    • CME provided and in order to fulfill requirement for CME you will have to complete the post-course evaluation from national ACEP and from PCSS for evaluation of the Waiver Training Completion Certificate.
    • This training course is not graded but completion or all evaluation questions is required.
    • The only requirement to be eligible for completion is that you stay connected and logged in to the zoom platform through your email account for 8-hour duration of this course.
    • The webinar will not be recorded but the slide deck will be shared with everyone after the webinar has been completed.
    Learn more and register here (ACEP login is required)

Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
920-750-7725 |

© Wisconsin Chapter, ACEP. All rights reserved.