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Temporary License for Emergency Physicians in WI

March 18, 2020 5:28 PM | Deleted user

It is the position of the Wisconsin Department Safety and Professional Services that under the Emergency Management powers of Wisconsin’s governor under Wis. Stat. Ch. 323.81, and as a member of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, if there is a shortage of physicians in Wisconsin during a declared emergency, the Governor may request support from other states and license requirements for physicians in good standing from such states would be waived during the emergency.   

Wis. Stat. Ch. 323.81  (5) Article V — Licenses, Certificates, and Permits.  Whenever a person holds a license, certificate, or other permit issued by any participating jurisdiction evidencing the meeting of qualifications for professional, mechanical, or other skills, and when such assistance is requested by the receiving participating jurisdiction, such person is deemed to be licensed, certified, or permitted by the jurisdiction requesting assistance to render aid involving such skill to meet an emergency or disaster, subject to such limitations and conditions as the requesting jurisdiction prescribes by executive order or otherwise.

Interstate Medical Licensure Compact map and statutory authority by state:

Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
920-750-7725 | WACEP@badgerbay.co

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