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President's Message, March 2018

March 24, 2018 8:29 AM | Deleted user

Lisa Maurer, MD, FACEP

A huge thanks to all who came to our 2018 Spring Symposium in Madison last week!  I'm still riding high from all the amazing connections and inspiration.  Nothing like getting a bunch of problem-solving EM docs together in one place!  Our WACEP board is happy to have all the homework of following up on the fresh ideas and connections started there.  I was especially excited to see the electric partnership between WACEP, MCW EM, and UW EM.  An unstoppable trio that you can expect more from for years to come.  No offense to my urban community docs (my people!), but the residents and the docs from rural Wisconsin definitely were the VIPs of the event.  Your unique perspectives on our common issues are invaluable to us as an organization.  Keep 'em coming.

Next up, WACEP looks ahead to having a big presence at Wisconsin Medical Society's House of Delegates meeting on April 14th in Madison and then at ACEP's Leadership and Advocacy Conference in Washington DC May 20-23.  Have a flare for Wisconsin public health, the business of medicine, or medical ethics?  Check out the HOD next month with our WACEP posse lead by Brad Burmeister and Jamie Schneider.  

Want to dive into federal issues important to EM and meet with our federal legislators in person to discuss?  I promise ACEP makes it easy.  Let us know if you'd like to take advantage of WACEP funding available to support your travel expenses to the LAC.  

This month, I would especially like to extend an invitation to those of you who are feeling rundown by the holes in the healthcare system that present themselves repeatedly in our departments. I can guarantee that participation in our organization in an active way will help you feel a new sense of control in your practice, and many have found it to be extremely life-giving for their careers.  Give us a heads up if we can welcome you as a guest at our next board meeting on June 12th in Delafield.

Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
920-750-7725 | WACEP@badgerbay.co

© Wisconsin Chapter, ACEP. All rights reserved.