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Funds Available to Support Recovery Coaching/Peer Support in the ED

March 08, 2018 8:23 AM | Deleted user

Wisconsin Voices for Recovery at the UW-Madison Division of Continuing Studies will provide re-grant awards for organizations to employee Recovery Coaches and Certified Peer Support Specialists. Peer support providers will begin providing recovery support in the hospital-based setting (Emergency Department) with individuals who have survived an opioid overdose. This statewide peer support network will function as a portion of the State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis. The ultimate goal of the program is to create sustainable peer support models across the state that will:

  1. Increase treatment and recovery support service utilization of the target population
  2. Reduce Emergency Department recidivism
  3. Decrease the number of overdose fatalities in Wisconsin

Read the article, Wisconsin Voices for Recovery receives $1.4 million grant to combat opioid abuse.

Please consider applying for this amazing opportunity to help address the opioid crisis in Wisconsin! If you would like more information or have questions about this Request for Proposal, please contact wivoiceshn@dcs.wisc.edu.

Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
920-750-7725 | WACEP@badgerbay.co

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