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April 4, 2017 WHN Event - Coordinating care coordination

March 17, 2017 5:23 PM | Deleted user

Buoyed by the promise of better care and lower costs, health organizations are increasingly flocking to care coordination models. But they are not always easy to organize in today’s disjointed healthcare system and current payment structures often don’t reward the effort. Also, coordination among different programs is lacking.

A panel of experts will share their experiences from the field. Find out what’s working, what’s not and what they see as the future of care coordination. Panelists:

·    Joy Tapper, Executive Director, Milwaukee Health Care Partnership
·    Tom Lutzow, CEO, Independent Care Health Plan
·    Jane Pirsig-Anderson, Director, Aurora Health Care Family Service

The event is Tuesday, April 4 from 11:30am – 1pm at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee (900 West Wisconsin Avenue). Register now.

Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
920-750-7725 | WACEP@badgerbay.co

© Wisconsin Chapter, ACEP. All rights reserved.