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Concerned about Mandatory Education on Opioid Prescribing?

November 16, 2016 11:32 AM | Deleted user

WACEP to offer opioid-specific education at 2017 Spring Symposium

Now in effect, a Wisconsin Medical Examining Board emergency rule requires continuing medical education (CME) on opioid prescribing guideline. The CME requirement is one component of a comprehensive statewide strategy to address prescription drug abuse in the best interest of public health and safety.

To address the requirement, WACEP is incorporating an opioid educational component into the Spring Symposium schedule. Mark your calendars and plan to attend the symposium, scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at The Madison Concourse Hotel, Madison, WI. Plan also to stay in Madison the following day for Doctor Day 2017. 

The conference planning committee has been working with members of the MEB. While details are still being finalized, preliminary indication is that the Spring Symposium curriculum will be approved to meet the state's educational requirement.

Also on the opioid front, WACEP has been invited by Tim Westlake, MD, Vice Chairman of the Medical Examining Board and Chairman of the Licensing and Controlled Substances Committees, to participate on the Wisconsin Coalition for Prescription Drug Abuse Reduction. WACEP will be represented on the Coalition by Board Member Julie Doniere, MD, and will have an opportunity to showcase WACEPs' efforts in combating the opioid epidemic. 

WACEP Spring Symposium event registration will soon be available. Visit the WACEP Conference web page for schedule information, and check back to register. In the meantime, See below and book your lodging through the WACEP room block today!

Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
920-750-7725 | WACEP@badgerbay.co

© Wisconsin Chapter, ACEP. All rights reserved.