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Medicaid Prescription Data Now in WISHIN Pulse

October 11, 2016 11:01 AM | Deleted user

September 2016, WISHIN Connections

Medicaid prescription-fill data for Wisconsin Medicaid members is now included in WISHIN Pulse, the statewide community health record. Medicaid prescription-fill history dating back to May 1, 2015, has been loaded into WISHIN Pulse and the data is being refreshed twice daily from the Medicaid pharmacy claims system, thus providing near-real-time prescription information to support better informed patient care and safety for Medicaid patients.

"We are constantly adding new participants and data sources to WISHIN Pulse to provide value to our participants and the patients they serve," says Joe Kachelski, CEO of WISHIN. The addition of Medicaid prescription-fill data substantially enhances the clinical data available through WISHIN Pulse.

"With hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites covered by Medicaid, the addition of up-to-date prescription information is going to add substantially to the value of WISHIN Pulse."

Providers using the WISHIN Pulse system will be able to view Medicaid prescriptions in a tab under the "medications" section. WISHIN Pulse also includes information such as diagnoses, immunizations, lab results, care plans, and visit summaries.  In addition, WISHIN Pulse has integrated with the state's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) to allow clinicians to see a patient's history of controlled-substance prescriptions without having to log on to the state's system and separately search for a patient.

WISHIN Pulse users should be aware that the data displayed represents the vast majority of drugs paid for by Medicaid. However, it possible that in the transmission process a small number of records may fail to immediately load.  It is also possible that prescription-drug claims may be reversed after appearing in WISHIN Pulse. 

Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
920-750-7725 | WACEP@badgerbay.co

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