Last week the Joint Committee on Finance voted to increase funding for MA reimbursement rates for ED physician services to 40% of Medicare rates. This is another needed increase to get Wisconsin in line with the rest of the United States! The budget will be approved in the next couple of weeks by the legislature and then go to the Governor. We expect the legislature to sign off and the Governor to ultimately approve (as he proposed an increase in his executive budget). So unless there is a full veto of the entire budget, we expect this increase to be implemented as of January 1, 2024 (still need to confirm after budget process) and the new rate will continue going forward.
This is another huge win for Emergency Medicine! Thank you to the WACEP Legislative Committee, Chaired by Dr. Lisa Maurer and WACEP’s Lobbying team Greg Hubbard, AJ Wilson and Dan Romportl at HWZ for their continued advocacy on this important issue.