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WACEP President's Message, February 2022

February 22, 2022 4:08 PM | Anonymous

President's Message, February 2022
Brian Sharp, MD

For those of you who tuned in for the Super Bowl, how incredible was that halftime show?  While it has generated plenty of hilarious memes poking fun at people like myself who were able to relive their “glory days,” I sure enjoyed all the artists getting back together for this show.  Whether or not the show featuring the music of Dr. Dre, Snoop Doggy Dogg, and Mary J Blige among others was targeted to your generation or your music taste, it does provide me with a great excuse to remind everybody about the upcoming WACEP Spring Symposium—April 20th and 21st.  Appropriately themed, “Getting the Band Back Together,” this will be an opportunity for us to finally gather, to learn together, and to celebrate the amazing work being done across our state.  To highlight some of the various reasons to attend, what better way than to quote some of the Super Bowl performers.

You can teach an old dog new trick if that old dog listens.

-Snoop Dogg

The WACEP Spring Symposium is packed with rich educational opportunities.  This includes keynote speakers, Dr. Tom Aufderheide and Dr. Gail D’Onofrio as well as talks on topics ranging from ED critical care to ED dental trauma.  You won’t want to miss the high yield “Hot Topics” roundtable discussions or the “Unique Procedures Workshop.”  Lastly, the popular LLSA Article Review Workshop returns—use this to knock that off your to-do-list.

Never let me slip cuz if I slip then I’m slippin’

-Dr. Dre

The WACEP research forum is an incredible opportunity to see the cutting-edge research work being done in Emergency Medicine across our state.  There will be numerous oral and poster presentations to learn from and a chance to celebrate the great achievements of our statewide researchers.

My mind on my money and my money on my mind

-Snoop Dogg

After 2 years of limited opportunities for in person conferences—including many conferences canceled, many of you have may extra CME money to use.  Take this opportunity to do that in a packed, fun conference—one where you don’t even have to fly.

Sunny days wouldn’t be special…if it wasn’t for rain.

Joy wouldn’t feel so good…if it wasn’t for pain.

-50 cent

Let’s be honest, the last two years have been rough at times.  April will be a great time to finally come together, to celebrate the value of emergency medicine and to grow relationships with our colleagues from around the state.  It has been three years since we were able to last hold our WACEP Spring Symposium in person and we have all been through a lot personally and professionally.  Let’s make this one count!!

So don’t forget to make your plans now, to register for the conference, and hopefully I will see you all in April in Milwaukee. 



Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if WACEP can help you or if you would like to connect.  My email address is bsharp@medicine.wisc.edu.

Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
920-750-7725 | WACEP@badgerbay.co

© Wisconsin Chapter, ACEP. All rights reserved.