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WACEP President's Message, May 2021

May 11, 2021 12:47 PM | Deleted user

Bradley Burmeister, MD, FACEP

Happy May!

Advocacy for Medicaid reimbursement for Emergency services continues to be our hot button issue. We held “Doctor Day” virtually last week, which brought together over 300 physicians across the state. We had three issues to discuss:

  • Telehealth
  • Medicaid coverage for women 12-months post-partum instead of just 60 days
  • Medicaid reimbursement with a specific ask for legislatures to support reimbursement increases for Emergency physicians.

 We've received favorable feedback from multiple meetings and continue to be optimistic that we will see this $15.66 million increase per biennium to support emergency practices.

WACEP has been working on this issue for years and we are excited to see this progress. As you likely know, this provision has been included in the Governor’s budget. We are awaiting to see what the Joint Finance Committee from the legislature will do as they reconcile the Governor’s budget and create their own.

We have individually met with multiple key leaders to discuss the issue and, if you haven’t already, we encourage you to reach out to your own legislators as now is the time to provide your input to your local legislators.  Here's how:

  • Visit https://legis.wisconsin.gov/ and under “Who Are My Legislators” enter your home address.
  • Your legislators will pop up complete with phone number and email address.
  • Call and/or email your legislators to convey this message.

Also, check out this interview Wisconsin Health News conducted with our WACEP Legislative Chair Dr. Lisa Maurer. 

Moving forward I have some important dates to remind you of:

  • June Board Meeting, Tuesday, June 8, 2021 in Green Bay. Board meetings are open to all members so if you want to join us let us know!
  • ACEP's Leadership & Advocacy Conference (LAC), July 25-27, 2021 in Washington DC.  Let us know if you want to attend or need more info.
  • WACEP Fall Rural Outreach Program, date and location TBD, watch for updates! 
  • ACEP 2021, October 25-28, 2021 in Boston, MA. Watch for info on the WACEP meet-up!

As always, if you have any issues you would like us to take a look at please reach out!


Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
563 Carter Court, Suite B
Kimberly, WI 54136
920-750-7725 | WACEP@badgerbay.co

© Wisconsin Chapter, ACEP. All rights reserved.